It seems that Dolby is continuing it’s landslide advantage on Ultra HD Blu-ray with a lot of new titles confirmed in the last couple of weeks.
Power Rangers
The action movie from Lionsgate has been confirmed on both Blu-ray and UHD Blu-ray with a Dolby Atmos soundtrack. It will be released on June 27.

T2 Trainspotting
Not a lot of details are available yet on that Sony release, but at least we now know it will feature Dolby Atmos.
Resident Evil: Vendetta
The CG action movie from Sony will be released also with a Dolby Atmos soundtrack on Ultra HD Blu-ray. No details yet on timing.
Another one confirmed with Atmos, no timing confirmed yet, but we should know real soon.
Smurfs: The Lost Village
Again, no surprise here, another Sony UHD title, again confirmed with Dolby Atmos. No release date yet.
Léon : The Professional
The title has been confirmed on Ultra HD Blu-ray and will be released on July 11 with Dolby Atmos.
Song to Song
The title from Broad Green Pictures will be released on July 4 on Ultra HD Blu-ray, this one without an object-based audio track.
Terminator: Genysis
The movie from Paramount has been confirmed for Ultra HD Blu-ray, no date confirmed yet.